PLDWorld 홈페이지의 유지보수를 위해, 여기저기 서핑중 발견되는 각종 자잘한 & 미쳐 정리가 되지않은 나만의 자료와 더불어 나의 "일상다반사"가 하나하나씩 저장되는 곳... 나중에 정리되는 Contents들은 그때마다 하나씩 없어질런지도... :)
2005년 8월 31일 수요일
XBOX 360 Architecture
The Xbox 360 is equipped with a huge 3-core CPU running at 3.2 GHz. A 1MB L2 cache is shared among all three CPU cores, and the communication with the GPU is achieved through a 21.6GB/sec FSB (Front Side Bus) channel.
South Bridge Connection through PCI express
The GPU is connected with the South Bridge chipset (I/O controlling unit) through a dual PCI Express interface (10GB/sec). The South Bridge chipset also includes an XMA decoder for audio, reducing the load on the CPU. The external I/O interfaces include SATA (20GB hard drive, 12x DL DVD recorder), USB Memory Unit ports (MU), ethernet controllers etc. The provided I/O interfaces look similar to those that will be found in Sony's Playstation 3.
GPU and CPU transistors
The GPU core unit uses 232,000,000 transistors while the eDRAm Die (Pixel processing unit) use 100,000,000 transistors.
The 232M transistors on GPU unit is about 40% more than those found on ATI's RADEON X800 (R420/423) GPU, and is almost equal to NVidia's GeForce 6800(NV40) system (222,000,000).
However, considering that Microsoft's early announcements for the Xbox concerning 48 Unified-Shaders, 232M transistors seems small. This might mean that ATI has possibly used some new techniques in the Unified-Shader design.
For comparison reasons, the GeForce 7800 GTX (G70) from NVIDIA uses 302,000,000 transistors for 32 Shaders. The RSX (Reality Synthesizer) GPU" installed in the Playstation 3, has a composition similar to the G70.
In addition, Microsoft disclosed the number of transistors of the Xbox 360 CPU. The CPU unit uses 165,000,000 transistors, a number equal to that found in a Pentium 4 6xx (Prescott 2M) CPU.
On the other hand, IBM's Cell processor on the Playstation 3 uses 241M transistors, which is roughly 1.5 more than those found on the Xbox.
Xbox hits the market soon
Xbox video game and entertainment system for as little as $299.99 U.S.
The Xbox 360 will make its debut in North America, Europe, and Japan in time for this holiday season, for $299.99 U.S (standard version). For gamers who want the ultimate experience right out of the box, Microsoft will offer a premium editionof the Xbox for the $399.99 U.S. The premium edition includes the Xbox 360 Console, a wireless controller, a removable faceplate, a HD AV Cable and many more.
2005년 8월 30일 화요일
2005년 8월 28일 일요일
米IBM,ソニー,東芝が「Cell」プロセサ関連の技術情報を公開 : IT Pro US News Flash
미IBM, 소니, 도시바가「Cell」프로세서 관련 기술정보를 공개...
미IBM, 도시바, 소니, 소니·컴퓨터 엔터테인먼트(SCEI)는, 차세대 컴퓨터/디지털 가전대상 마이크로 프로세서「Cell」에 관한 기술사양「Cell Broadband Engine Architecture」를 공개한다. 4사가 미국 시간 8월25일에 밝힌 것. 사양서는 웹 사이트(IBM, SCEI)에서 입수할 수 있다.
Cell은, IBM의 64비트 Power PC코어를 베이스로 하는 신형 프로세서. IBM, 도시바, 소니가 2001년에 개발 계획을 발표해, 텍사스주 오스틴에 설립한 공동 연구소에서 설계/개발을 진척시키고 있었다. 코어를 복수내장해, 부동소수점 연산의 처리 성능이 높다고 한다. 여러가지의 OS에 대응하고 있어, Linux와 같은 일반적인 OS외에, 게임기나 가전을 위한 real time OS도 이용할 수 있다. 가상 머신 환경을 구축해서 게스트OS를 동작시키면, 복수OS의 동시 실행도 가능.
Cell Broadband Engine Architecture는, Cell에 있어서의 분산 처리나 멀티미디어·어플리케이션을 위한 프로세서 구조를 정의하는 사양서. Power Architecture베이스의 제어 프로세서를 포함하는 아키텍쳐에 대해서 기술하고 있다.
또한 이들 4개사는,「Synergistic Processor Unit Instruction Set Architecture(SPU ISA)」과「Synergistic Processor Unit C/C++ Language Extensions, Application Binary Interface, and Assembly Language specifications」이라고 하는 관련 사양서도 공개한다.
2005년 8월 24일 수요일
전자 메일 보내기: 썬, 오픈소스DRM 띄운다..."개방형 바람 불까?"
Free로 제공될 Sun주도의 Opensource DRM인데, 좀더 지켜봐야... 그러나 대세가 되지는 않는다고 하더라도 Free of charge가 주는 이점이 많은 관계로 많은 MP3 제조업체 및 Device Vendor에서 마냥 무시하고 있지만은 않을듯...
썬, 오픈소스DRM 띄운다..."개방형 바람 불까?" 황치규기자 썬마이크로시스템즈가 오픈소스 소프트웨어 기반 기술을 앞세워 디지털저작권관리(DRM) 시장에 출사표를 던졌다. | |
2005년 8월 23일 화요일
SyncToy for Windows XP
SyncToy for Windows XP
SyncToy: the smart way to copy files
내 컴퓨터의 특정 폴더의 데이터와 다른 드라이브의 특정 폴더의 데이터를 간편하게 동기화 시켜주는 SyncToy입니다.
최근에 디지털 카메라나 휴대용 MP3 플레이어와 같은 디지털 장치를 많이 사용하게 됨에 따라 PC와 이러한 디지털 장치간의 데이터 교환도 빈번해지고 있습니다.
디지털 카메라로 찍은 이미지 데이터들을 PC에 연결하여 PC의 사진 저장 폴더와 동기화 시키거나, 혹은 PC에 다운로드 받은 새 MP3파일들을 MP3 플레이어의 음악 폴더와 동기화 시키는 등의 작업을 간편하게 해주는 프로그램이 있다면 편리할 것입니다. 또는 이러한 프로그램이 있다면 앞서의 용도 이외에도 노트북의 작업 폴더를 집의 PC의 작업 폴더와 동기화 시키거나 네트워크에 연결된 다른 PC의 특정 폴더와 내 컴퓨터의 특정 폴더를 동기화 시키는 등의 용도로 활용할 수도 있을 것입니다. SyncToy는 이러한 작업을 간편하게 할 수 있는, 마이크로소프트에서 제작하여 배포하는 동기화 프로그램입니다.
프로그램을 사용하기 위해서는 "Folder Pair"라는 작업 단위를 이해할 필요가 있습니다. 만일 어떤 사용자가 앞서 언급한 네가지 동기화 작업을 모두 하고자 한다면 하나하나의 작업을 Folder Pair로 등록해두고 처리할 수 있는 것입니다.
가령 두번째 작업인 MP3와의 동기화 작업을 Folder Fair로 등록한다고 가정해보도록 하겠습니다. 우선 신규로 Folder Pair를 등록하기 위해서 창 하단의 "Create New Folder Pair"를 클릭합니다. PC에 MP3를 모아두는 폴더가 D드라이브의 Music 폴더(D:\music)이고 MP3를 PC에 연결했을때 G드라이브로 인식이 되고 음악 폴더는 Music(G:\music)일때, 첫번째 단계에서는 내 컴퓨터의 Music폴더를, 그리고 두번째 단계에서는 MP3의 Music폴더를 등록을 해주면 됩니다.
동기화를 할 양쪽의 폴더를 지정했다면 다음 과정에서는 어떤 방식의 동기화를 할 것인지를 지정하게 됩니다. 각각의 방식에 대한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
①Syncronize - 양쪽 폴더의 데이터를 비교하여 각각의 새로운 데이터들을 다른쪽에 저장해주는 방식입니다. 왼쪽 폴더에도 새로운 데이터가 있다면 오른쪽 폴더로 저장을 해주며, 오른쪽 폴더에 새로운 데이터가 있다면 마찬가지로 왼쪽 폴더에 저장을 하게 되어 서로 동기화를 시켜줍니다. 파일 이름의 변경이나 삭제된 것까지 반영이 됩니다.
②Echo - 왼쪽 폴더를 기준으로 오른쪽 폴더를 왼쪽 폴더와 완전히 동일하게 만들어주는 기능입니다. 왼쪽에는 없고 오른쪽에만 있는 데이터가 있다면 해당 데이터는 삭제가 되며, 왼쪽의 데이터 내용이 오른쪽보다 새로운 것이건 오래된 것이건 오른쪽 데이터는 왼쪽의 그것에 따르게 됩니다.
③Subscribe - 같은 이름의 파일이 양쪽에 있을 때 보다 새로운 쪽을 다른쪽에 갱신해주는 방식입니다. 파일의 삭제 및 없는 파일의 복사는 이루어지지 않습니다.
④Contribute - Echo와 비슷하지만 왼쪽에 없는 파일이 오른쪽엔 있다고해서 오른쪽의 파일을 지우지는 않습니다.
⑤Combine - Syncronize와 비슷하지만 단순히 양쪽 데이터를 비교하여 새로운 것으로 갱신을 해주는 기능만 합니다. 파일 이름 변경 및 삭제 결과는 반영되지 않습니다.
이렇게 동기화 방식을 지정했다면 마지막으로 Folder Pair의 이름을 지정하면 됩니다. 이렇게 생성한 Folder Pair는 프로그램 창의 왼쪽에 등록되어 언제나 사용자가 원할때 동기화 작업을 진행할 수 있습니다.
특정 Folder Pair를 선택한 후 Preview를 클릭하면 해당 Folder Pair의 동기화 대상 파일들을 보여주게 되며 Run을 클릭하면 동기화 작업이 진행됩니다. 만일 모든 Folder Pair의 동기화 작업을 한꺼번에 진행하고 싶다면 All Folder Pair를 선택한 후 Run All을 실행하면 됩니다.
특정 폴더간 데이터 복사 작업이 잦거나, 혹은 사용자가 일일이 신규 데이터 여부를 확인하지 않고 간편하게 데이터 동기화 작업을 하고자 할때 유용한 프로그램입니다.
이 프로그램은 윈도 XP 사용자를 위해 Powertoy의 일환으로 마이크로소프트가 무료로 배포하는 프리웨어입니다. 프로그램을 설치하기 위해서는 Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 이상이 설치되어 있어야 합니다.
EDN - Global Designer: Asian SOPC-design applications now textbook cases
Global Designer: Asian SOPC-design applications now textbook cases
Read the full article at:
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2005년 8월 22일 월요일
(주)엑사큐브 시스템
엑사큐브시스템은 우수한 기술력으로 고품질의 스토리지 시스템을 개발 및 제공하는 스토리지 전문 회사입니다.
엑사큐브시스템은 스토리지 시스템 분야의 새로운 물결을 일으키고자 2001년 새롭게 출범한 회사로서,지난 10년 이상 중대형 서버 및 스토리지 시스템 개발 경험을 바탕으로 고 품질의 스토리지 제품을 제공하고자 노력하는 기술 집약형 벤처 기업입니다.
엑사큐브시스템은 우수한 기술력으로 고 품질의 SAN 저장장치(RAID System)와 네트워크 연결형 저장장치(NAS System)를 독자적으로 개발및 공급하고 있으며, 또한 전사적 재난복구솔루션, 스토리지 가상화 솔루션, 스토리지 통합 관리 솔루션 등 기업의 총체적인 IT인프라 구축을위한 고품질의 서비스도 제공하고 있습니다.
저희 엑사큐브시스템은 고객의 의견과 요구를 기업 경영의 기준으로 삼아 언제나 고객의 소리에 귀 기울이면서 고객의 부가가치 창출과 고객 만족을 목표로 전 임직원들은 최선의 노력을 다하고 있습니다.
AMI Sector One
This site is dedicated to Amiga emulation and all what's related to it. AMI Sector One's only goal is to provide the Amiga emulator fan with the stuff he or she needs legally. You'll find here a huge collection of games, module files and demos of the Amiga scene. But keep in mind - all you can download here is shareware or a commercial product we're allowed to put it up, because we're having a written permission by the author or the distributor. You'll find a list of all contributors in the corporate area. We hope you'll enjoy your stay.
예전 아미가 컴퓨터와 관련된 각종 리소스들이 많이 모여있는곳, 나름대로 정리도 잘 되어있다... 아직도 외국에서는 "아미가", "애플", "싱클레어"등과 같은 예전 컴퓨터와 관련된 사이트들이 많이 운영이 되고 뉴스그룹이나 커뮤니티들의 활동도 나름대로 활발하더만...^^;
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Programmable Logic DesignLine
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Where can you find real solutionsto tough programable logic design challenges? The Programmable Logic DesignLine is the place. This site provides the practical how-to information needed to program, develop, and implement field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and programmable logic devices (PLDs) in wireless, networking, industrial, automotive, and other design applications.
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2005년 8월 20일 토요일
Emailing: 삼성전자 미니켓 Mega
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배너 for "PLDWorld.{블로그}"...
153 x 43 pixels
그동안 엄청난 양의 귀차니즘 압박으로 인하여 내 블로그용 배너를 만들지 못하고 있었는데... 원래 실력도 없지만서두... 그렇지만 마냥 손놓고 있을수만은 없어서, 지난주말에 대충 끄적거려서 하나 만들었다... 역시나 짜집기 및 대충대충의 느낌이 엄청나지만, 그래도 나름대로 맘에 든다... (내가 만들어서 그런가...^^a;)
바탕색과 테두리만 CSS로 잘 요리하면 여기저기 잘 쓸수 있겠다...
2005년 8월 19일 금요일
전자 메일 보내기: 등가직렬저항(ESR;equivalent series resistance)
Copyright © NHN Corp. All Rights Reserved. |
2005년 8월 18일 목요일
Emailing: 애플 아이팟 신제품에 낸드형 플래시 채용
MP3P 중심 수요증가로 메모리가 강세 예상
한국업체도 낸드형 칩 생산체제 전환 ‘순조’
게재일자 : 2005/08/18
애플컴퓨터가 4분기에 출시할 플래시메모리 기반의 아이팟(iPod) 신제품이 낸드형 플래시 메모리의 수요를 크게 확대할 것이라고 아시안월스트리트저널(AWSJ)이 17일 보도했다.
애플은 플래시 메모리 기반의 4GB 용량의 아이팟을 연말경에 선보일 예정인데, 반도체 업계에서는 이로 인해 플래시 메모리 시장에서 큰 폭의 수요가 발생할 것으로 보고 있다. 낸드형 플래시 메모리는 PC에 주로 사용되는 D램보다 가격이 더 비싸면서도 MP3플레이어와 디지털카메라 등 소비자 가전제품에 보다 대중적으로 사용되고 있다.
신문은 낸드형 플래시 메모리의 타이트한 공급은 반도체업체들에게 앞으로 호기를 제공해 줄 것임을 의미한다고 설명했다. 애플의 아이팟 신제품으로 하반기 낸드형 플래시 메모리의 공급에 여유가 없을 것이며, 이는 3분기 반도체업체들의 이익 마진 개선으로 이어질 것이라는 시장의 기대도 한층 강화되고 있다.
시장조사기관 아이서플라이의 김남형 메모리 분야 수석 분석가는 "애플의 아이팟 신제품에 대한 수요증가로 하반기 낸드형 플래시 메모리의 공급은 빠듯해질 것으로 보고 있다"고 전망했다. 그는 이어 "주요 업체들이 올해 잔여 기간동안 주문자상표부착생산(OEM)업체들과 공급 계약이 돼 있는 점을 감안하면 현금 구매자들은 지속적인 공급부족 현상을 겪게 될 것"이라고 분석했다.
이에 따라 현재 생산의 무게 중심을 D램에서 낸드형 플래시 메모리로 조금씩 옮기고 있는 주요 반도체 업체들의 변화가 보다 가속화될 전망이다. 현재 D램 업체들은 큰 자본 지출 없이 일부 생산 장비만 변경, 낸드형 플래시 메모리를 생산할 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
삼성전자와 하이닉스 등 한국 반도체업체들은 2분기에 D램 가격이 가파른 하락세를 보이자 이미 낸드형 칩 생산 체제로 전환했으며, 이는 D램 시장의 과다공급을 완화시켜 가격을 안정시킬 것으로 신문은 전망했다.
한편 여전히 많은 분석가들은 하반기에 낸드형 플래시 메모리 가격이 계속 하락할 것으로 전망하고 있는 가운데 시장의 수요를 보다 긍정적으로 받아들이는 분석가들도 증가하고 있다고 신문은 지적했다.
도이체방크의 분석가인 D.J.요크는 하반기 낸드형 플래시 메모리 가격이 당초 예상보다 높아질 것으로 예상했다. 그는 "3분기에 접어들면서 애플과 소니 등 MP3플레이어 업체들의 수요 증가로 인해 가격이 당초 기대보다 높게 형성되고 있다"고 설명했다.
또 BNP파리바 페레그린의 한 분석가도 "낸드형 플래시 메모리에 대한 공급 부족의 두려움이 존재한다는 것은 당초 많은 사람들이 기대했던 것만큼의 가격 하락이 없다는 것을 의미한다"면서 "이는 D램 업체들에게는 좋은 소식"이라고 덧붙였다.
[저작권자(c) 디지털타임스 무단 전재-재배포 금지]
2005년 8월 17일 수요일
퀄컴 Vs.인텔, 듀얼CPU 시장 ′맞짱′
퀄컴 Vs.인텔, 듀얼CPU 시장 ′맞짱′
퀄컴 'MSM7500' 선공에 인텔 맞불
'휴대폰+스마트폰' 분야 혈전 예상
모바일 기기용 프로세서 시장 양대산맥으로 활동하고 있는 퀄컴과 인텔이 모뎀과 애플리케이션 프로세서를 하나로 묶은 듀얼CPU 시장에서 정면으로 맞붙는다.
그동안 퀄컴은 MSM으로 통칭되는 모뎀칩으로 업계를 평정해왔으며, 인텔은 PXA시리즈(코드명 '벌버디')로 불리는 애플리케이션 프로세서칩으로 업계를 이끌어왔다.
이처럼 각기 다른 시장에서 주도권을 쥐고 활동해 온 이들 두 업체가 상호 경쟁을 피할 수 없게 된 것은 두 기능을 하나로 묶은 제품 출시를 기대하는 업계 요구 때문.
양사 경쟁에서 선공을 시작한 업체는 퀄컴이다. 이 회사는 지난 2분기 자사 최초의 듀얼CPU 지원 ‘MSM7500′을 발표했다. 1xEV-DO 및 GPRS를 지원한다.
이 제품에 이어 퀄컴은 내년 1분기 HSUPA를 지원하는 듀얼CPU ‘MSM7200′을, 내년 중 HSDPA 및 W-CDMA를 지원하는 ’MSM7600′을 발표할 예정이다.
퀄컴의 듀얼CPU 제품의 경우, 베이스밴드부에는 ARM9코어가, 애플리케이션 프로세서 부에는 ARM11코어가 채용된다.
퀄컴에게 선제공격을 당했지만 인텔은 예정된 자사 로드맵대로 내년 중 듀얼CPU를 채용한 제품을 출시한다는 방침이다. 인텔측은 현재 이 제품의 코드명 거론도 조심하는 상태.
그러나 자사 애플리케이션 프로세서인 PXA시리즈의 후속 제품에 W-CDMA 베이스밴드 칩인 ‘허몬’을 결합시킨다는 사실은 인정하고 있다.
인텔의 듀얼CPU 프로세서에는 이 회사가 자체적으로 만든 ‘엑스스케일’ 코어가 베이스밴드부와 애플리케이션부에 채용된다.
한편 업계 관계자들은 퀄컴과 인텔이 같은 조건의 듀얼CPU 칩을 출시하지만 시장에서 전면적인 경쟁은 피할 수 있을 것으로 보고 있다. 퀄컴은 휴대폰 시장을, 인텔은 스마트폰 시장을 주요 대상으로 하기 때문이라는 분석 때문이다.
이와 관련, 퀄컴측은 “각종 애플리케이션을 원활하게 처리할 수 있는 휴대폰 개발 업체를 공략할 방침”이라고 밝혔으며, 인텔측은 “심비안 및 MS 등 범용OS를 채용한 스마트폰 개발 업체를 대상으로 제품을 공급한다는 방침”이라고 설명했다.
그러나 일부에서는 양사 직접적인 충돌이 불가피할 것으로 점치기도 한다. 휴대폰과 스마트폰이 교집합을 이루는 시장은 분명 존재하며, 퀄컴 또한 2008년 1억대 돌파가 예상되는 스마트폰 시장을 무시할 수 없어 양사의 자존심 대결은 피할 수 없을 것이라는 게 이들의 판단이다.
2002 All rights reserved.
태터 툴즈로 전 세계가 하나가 됩니다
국내에서 설치형 블로그 툴로는 가히 최고라 할 만하며, 사용하기도 편하고 태터 센터라는 타 설치형 블로그에서 찾아보기 어려운 강력한 social network 기능까지 갖추고 있지만, 근본적으로 웹 표준에 관해서 블로거들의 욕구를 충족시키지 못한다는 얘기도 들리는 한국산 설치형 블로그 시스템...
외산중엔 WordPress ( 라는게 남름대로 인지도가 있는 모양이다...
어쨌거나, 어차피 추후에는 이러한 설치형 블로그로 옮겨가야 할것 같은디 아직은 생각만 하고있다...쩝 아직까지는 잘 모르겠다... 그때가면 그때상황에 걸맞는 좋은 생각이 떠오르겠지...^^;
2005년 8월 15일 월요일
Women - In the Morning
2005년 8월 14일 일요일
Summit Microelectronics at Virtual Earth
1717 Fox Dr, San Jose, CA 95131
MSN Virtual Earth
"구글이 하는건 우리도 한다." 뭐 이런건지는 몰라도, 어쨌던 우리는 양질의 위성사진으로 제공되는 지도서비스가 또하나 생겼으니 Google과 MSN을 잘 활용하는 일만 남았군...^^; 그나저나, 검색해보니 지도사진 참 선명하군...ㅋㅋㅋ
2005년 8월 10일 수요일
Security Review Of Embedded Systems And Its Applications To Hacking Methodology
|=------------[ Applications To Hacking Methodology ]------------=|
|=----[ Cawan: <chuiyewleong[at]> or <cawan[at]> ]----=|
--=[ Contents
--[ 1. - Introduction
residential home, the deployment of "smart" systems have brought out the
term of "smart-home". It is dealing with the home security, electronic
appliances control and monitoring, audio/video based entertainment, home
networking, and etc. In building automation, embedded system provides the
ability of network enabled (Lonwork, Bacnet or X10) for extra convenient
control and monitoring purposes. For intra-building communication, the
physical network media including power-line, RS485, optical fiber, RJ45,
IrDA, RF, and etc. In this case, media gateway is playing the roll to
provide inter-media interfacing for the system. For personal handheld
systems, mobile devices such as handphone/smartphone and PDA/XDA are going
to be the necessity in human life. However, the growing of 3G is not as
good as what is planning initially. The slow adoption in 3G is because it
is lacking of direct compatibility to TCP/IP. As a result, 4G with Wimax
technology is more likely to look forward by communication industry
regarding to its wireless broadband with OFDM.
going to be convergence - by applying TCP/IP as "protocol glue" for
inter-media interfacing purpose. Since the deployment of IPv6 will cause
an unreasonable overshooting cost, so the widespread of IPv6 products
still needs some extra times to be negotiated.
As a result, IPv4 will continue to dominate the world of networking,
especially in embedded applications. As what we know, the brand-old
IPv4 is being challenged by its native security problems in terms of
confidentiality, integrity, and authentication.
Extra value added modules such as SSL and SSH would be the best solution
to protect most of the attacks such as Denial of Service, hijacking,
spooling, sniffing, and etc. However, the implementation of such value
added module in embedded system is optional because it is lacking of
available hardware resources. For example, it is not reasonable to
implement SSL in SitePlayer[1] for a complicated web-based control and
monitoring system by considering the available flash and memory that
can be utilized.
the native characteristic of IPv4 and the reduced structure of embedded
system would be problems in security consideration.
These would probably a hidden timer-bomb that is waiting to be exploited.
As an example, by simply performing port scan with pattern recognition to
a range of IP address, any of the running SC12 IPC@CHIP[2] can be
identified and exposed. Once the IP address of a running SC12 is confirmed,
by applying a sequence of five ping packet with the length of 65500 is
sufficient to crash it until reset.
--[ 2. - Architectures Classification
began to proliferate beyond the world of technology and industry. By its
nature digital signal can be represented exactly and easily, which gives
it much more utility. In term of digital system design, programmable
logic has a primary advantage over custom gate arrays and standard cells
by enabling faster time-to-complete and shorter design cycles. By using
software, digital design can be programmed directly into programmable
logic and allowing making revisions to the design relatively quickly.
The two major types of programmable logic devices are Field Programmable
Logic Arrays (FPGAs) and Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs).
FPGAs offer the highest amount of logic density, the most features,
and the highest performance. These advanced devices also offer features
such as built-in hardwired processors (such as the IBM Power PC),
substantial amounts of memory, clock management systems, and support
for many of the latest very fast device-to-device signaling technologies.
FPGAs are used in a wide variety of applications ranging from data
processing and storage, instrumentation, telecommunications, and digital
signal processing. Instead, CPLDs offer much smaller amounts of logic
(approximately 10,000 gates). But CPLDs offer very predictable timing
characteristics and are therefore ideal for critical control applications.
Besides, CPLDs also require extremely low amounts of power and are very
(HDL). HDL is a software programming language used to model the intended
operation of a piece of hardware. There are two aspects to the description
of hardware that an HDL facilitates: true abstract behavior modeling and
hardware structure modeling. The behavior of hardware may be modeled and
represented at various levels of abstraction during the design process.
Higher level models describe the operation of hardware abstractly, while
lower level models include more detail, such as inferred hardware
structure. There are two types of HDL: VHDL and Verilog-HDL. The history
of VHDL started from 1980 when the USA Department of Defence (DoD) wanted
to make circuit design self documenting, follow a common design methodology
and be reusable with new technologies. It became clear there was a need for
a standard programming language for describing the function and structure
of digital circuits for the design of integrated circuits (ICs). The DoD
funded a project under the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC)
program to create a standard hardware description language.
The result was the creation of the VHSIC hardware description language or
VHDL as it is now commonly known. The history of Verilog-HDL started from
1981, when a CAE software company called Gateway Design Automation that was
founded by Prabhu Goel. One of the Gateway's first employees was Phil
Moorby, who was an original author of GenRad's Hardware Description
Language (GHDL) and HILO simulator. On 1983, Gateway released the Verilog
Hardware Description Language known as Verilog-HDL or simply Verilog
together with a Verilog simulator. Both VHDL and Verilog-HDL are reviewed
and adopted by IEEE as IEEE standard 1076 and 1364, respectively.
Modern hardware implementation of embedded systems can be classified
into two categories: hardcore processing and softcore processing. Hardcore
processing is a method of applying hard processor(s) such as ARM, MIPS,
x86, and etc as processing unit with integrated protocol stack.
For example, SC12 with x86, IP2022 with Scenix RISC, eZ80, SitePlayer
and Rabbit are dropped in the category of hardcore processing.Instead,
softcore processing is applying a synthesizable core that can be targeted
into different semiconductor fabrics. The semiconductor fabrics should be
programmable as what FPGA and CPLD do. Altera[3] and Xilinx[4] are the
only FPGA/CPLD manufacturers in the market that supporting softcore
processor. Altera provides NIOS processor that can be implemented in SOPC
Builder that is targeted to its Cyclone and Stratix FPGAs. Xilinx provides
two types of softcore: Picoblaze, that is targeted to its CoolRunner-2
CPLD; and Microblaze, that is targeted to its Spartan and Virtex FPGAs.
For the case of FPGAs with embedded hardcore, for example ARM-core in
Stratix, and MIPS-core in Virtex are classified as embedded hardcore
processing. On the other hand, FPGAs with embedded softcore such as
NIOS-core in Cyclone or Stratix, and Microblaze-core in Spartan or Virtex
are classified as softcore processing. Besides, the embedded softcore can
be associated with others synthesizable peripherals such as DMA controller
for advanced processing purpose.
processing might assuming it is always running faster than softcore
processing. However, it is not the fact. Processor performance is often
limited by how fast the instruction and data can be pipelined from external
memory into execution unit. As a result, hardcore processing is more
suitable for general application purpose but softcore processing is more
liable to be used in customized application purpose with parallel
processing and DSP. It is targeted to flexible implementation in adaptive
--[ 3. - Hacking with Embedded System
brings out more creative methods of attack, the only limitation is the
imagination. Richard Clayton had shown the method of extracting a 3DES key
from an IBM 4758 that is running Common Cryptographic Architecture
(CCA)[5]. The IBM 4758 with its CCA software is widely used in the banking
industry to hold encryption keys securely. The device is extremely
tamper-resistant and no physical attack is known that will allow keys to be
accessed. According to Richard, about 20 minutes of uninterrupted access to
the IBM 4758 with Combine_Key_Parts permission is sufficient to export the
DES and 3DES keys. For convenience purpose, it is more likely to implement
an embedded system with customized application to get the keys within the
20 minutes of accessing to the device. An evaluation board from Altera was
selected by Richard Clayton for the purpose of keys exporting and
additional two days of offline key cracking.
would provide better performance in offline key cracking. In fact,
customized parallel processing is very suitable to exploit both symmetrical
and asymmetrical encrypted keys.
injection, it is more preferred to have RTOS installed in the embedded
system. For code reusability purpose, embedded linux would be the best
choice of embedded hacking platform. The following examples have clearly
shown the possible attacks under an embedded platform. The condition of
the embedded platform is come with a Nios-core in Stratix and uClinux
being installed. By recompiling the source code of netcat and make it run
in uClinux, a swiss army knife is created and ready to perform penetration
as listed below: -
A list of subnet can be defined initially in the embedded system
and bring it into a commercial building. Plug the embedded system
into any RJ45 socket in the building, press a button to perform port
scan with pattern recognition and identify any vulnerable network
embedded system in the building. Press another button to launch attack
(Denial of Service) to the target network embedded system(s). This
is a serious problem when the target network embedded system(s) is/are
related to the building evacuation system, surveillance system or
security system.
b) Automatic Brute-Force Attack
Defines server(s) address, dictionary, and brute-force pattern
in the embedded system. Again, plug the embedded system into any RJ45
socket in the building, press a button to start the password guessing
process. While this small box of embedded system is located in a hidden
corner of any RJ45 socket, it can perform the task of cracking over
days, powered by battery.
c) LAN Hacking
By pre-identify the server(s) address, version of patch, type
of service(s), a structured attack can be launched within the area
of the building. For example, by defining:
**char(47,101,116,99,47,112,97,115,115,119,100) = /etc/passwd
in the embedded system initially. Again, plug the embedded system into
any RJ45 socket in the building (within the LAN), press a button to
start SQL injection attack to grab the password file of the Unix
machine (in the LAN). The password file is then store in the flash
memory and ready to be loaded out for offline cracking. Instead of
performing SQL injection, exploits can be used for the same
d) Virus/Worm Spreading
The virus/worm can be pre-loaded in the embedded system. Again,
plug the embedded system into any RJ45 socket in the building, press a
button to run an exploit to any vulnerable target machine, and load the
virus/worm into the LAN.
e) Embedded Sniffer
Switch the network interface from normal mode into promiscuous mode
and define the sniffing conditions. Again, plug the embedded system
into any RJ45 socket in the building, press a button to start the
sniffer. To make sure the sniffing process can be proceed in switch
LAN, ARP sniffer is recommended for this purpose.
in Altera's NIOS development board with Stratix EP1S10 FPGA. The board
provides a 10/100-base-T ethernet and a compact-flash connector. Two
RS-232 ports are also provided for serial interfacing and system
configuration purposes, respectively. Besides, the onboard 1MB of SRAM,
16MB of SDRAM, and 8MB of flash memory are ready for embedded linux
installation[6]. The version of embedded linux that is going to be applied
is uClinux from microtronix[7].
of "hacking machine" design. We use three tools provided by Altera to
implement our "hardware" design. In this case, the term of "hardware" means
it is synthesizable and to be designed in Verilog-HDL. The three tools
being used are: QuartusII ( as synthesis tool), SOPC Builder (as
Nios-core design tool), and C compiler. Others synthesis tools such as
leonardo-spectrum from mentor graphic, and synplify from synplicity are
optional to be used for special purpose. In this case, the synthesized
design in edif format is defined as external module. It is needed to import
the module from QuartusII to perform place-and-route (PAR). The outcome of
PAR is defined as hardware-core. For advanced user, Modelsim from mentor
graphic is highly recommended to perform behavioral simulation and Post-PAR
simulation. Behavioral simulation is a type of functional verification to
the digital hardware design. Timing issues are not put into the
consideration in this state. Instead, Post-PAR simulation is a type of
real-case verification. In this state, all the real-case factors such as
power-consumption and timing conditions (in sdf format) are put into the
consideration. [8,9,10,11,12]
recommended to be the design framework for any others custom design with
appropriate modifications [13]. Well, for our "hacking machine" design
purpose, the only modification that we need to do is to assign the
interrupts of four onboard push-buttons [14]. So, once the design
framework is loaded into QuartusII, SOPC Builder is ready to start
the design of Nios-core, Boot-ROM, SRAM and SDRAM inteface, Ethernet
interface, compact-flash interface and so on. Before starting to generate
synthesizable codes from the design, it is crucial to ensure the check-box
of "Microtronix uClinux" under Software Components is selected (it is in
the "More CPU Settings" tab of the main configuration windows in SOPC
Builder). By selecting this option, it is enabling to build a uClinux
kernel, uClibc library, and some uClinux's general purpose applications by
the time of generating synthesizable codes. Once ready, generate the design
as synthesizable codes in SOPC Builder following by performing PAR in
QuartusII to get a hardware core. In general, there are two formats of
hardware core:-
will require a re-load if the board is power cycled
**(Think as volatile)
b) .pof core: To be downloaded into EPC16 (enhanced configuration
device) and will automatically be loaded into the
FPGA every time the board is power cycled
**(Think as non-volatile)
The raw format of .sof and .pof hardware core is .hexout. As hacker,
we would prefer to work in command line, so we use the hexout2flash tool
to convert the hardware core from .hexout into .flash and relocate the
base address of the core to 0x600000 in flash. The 0x600000 is the startup
core loading address of EP1S10. So, once the .flash file is created, we
use nios-run or nr command to download the hardware core into flash memory
as following:
restart the board. The downloaded core will now start as the default core
whenever the board is restarted.
"software" implementation. We start from uClinux. As what is stated, the
SOPC Builder had generated a framework of uClinux kernel, uClibc library,
and some uClinux general purpose applications such as cat, mv, rm, and etc.
[Linux Developer] ...uClinux/: make xconfig
"make clean" to clean the source tree of any object files.
[Linux Developer] ...linux/: make
As what we know, an operating system must run with a file system.
So, we need to create a file system image too. First, edit the config
file in userland/.config to select which application packages get
built. For example:
(for example, CONFIG_AGETTY=n), then it will not be built and copied
over to the target/ directory. Then, build all application packages
specified in the userland/.config as following:
After that, use "make romfs" to start generating the file system or
romdisk image.
to the target board. First, download the file system image following by
the operating system image into the flash memory.
[Linux Developer] ...uClinux/: nios-run linux.flash
Lets try to make use of it to a linux machine with /etc/passwd
enabled. We assume the ip of the target linux machine is
as web server in the LAN that utilize MySQL database. Besides, we know
that its show.php is vulnerable to be SQL injected. We also assume it has
some security protections to filter out some dangerous symbols, so we
decided to use char() method of injection. We assume the total columns in
the table that access by show.php is 8.
/etc/passwd) in a file name of password.dat. By creating a pipe to the
netcat, and at the same time to make sure the attacking string is always
triggered by the push-button, well, our "hacking machine" is ready.
following by pressing a button to trigger the attacking string against After that, unplug the "hacking machine" and connect to a
pc, download the password.dat from the "hacking machine", and start the
cracking process. By utilizing the advantages of FPGA architecture,
a hardware cracker can be appended for embedded based cracking process.
Any optional module can be designed in Verilog-HDL and attach to the
FPGA for all-in-one hacking purpose. The advantages of FPGA implementation
over the conventional hardcore processors will be deepened in the
following section, with a lot of case-studies, comparisons and
wonderful examples.
**FTP server is recommended to be installed in "hacking machine"
because of two reasons:
the "hacking machine" can be done through FTP (online update).
2) The grabbed information (password files, configuration files,...)
can be retrieved easily.
userland/.config file to enable the ftpd service.
unix/linux machine that do not utilize file-permission and shadow
to protect the password file. This article is purposely to show
the migration of hacking methodology from PC-based into embedded
system based.
Rabbit module, a 9V battery and 20 lines of Dynamic C, a simple "hacking
machine" can be implemented, instead of using a $300 FPGA development
board and a proprietary embedded processor with another $495. The answer
is, FPGA provides a very unique feature based on its architecture that is
able to be hardware re-programmable.
verification in hardware implementation, especially in DSP applications.
The demand for higher bit rates by the wired and wireless communications
industry has led to the development of higher bit rate and low cost serial
link interface chips. Based on such considerations, some demands of
programmable channel and band scanning are needed to be digitized and
re-programmable. A new term has been created for this type of framework
as "software defined radio" or SDR. However, the slow adoption of SDR is
due to the limitation in Analog-to-Digital Converter(ADC) to digitize
the analog demodulation unit in transceiver module.
Although the sampling rate of the most advanced ADC is not yet to meet
the specification of SDR, but it will come true soon. In this case, the
application of conventional DSP chips such as TMS320C6200 (for
fixed-point processing) and TMS320C6700 (for floating-point processing)
are a little bit harder to handle such extremely high bit rates. Of
course, someone may claim its parallel processing technique could solve
the problem by using the following symbols in linear assembly language[15].
|| Inst2
|| Inst3
|| Inst4
|| Inst5
|| Inst6
with a previous instruction. Inst2 to Inst6, these five instructions run
in parallel with the first instruction, Inst1. In TMS320, up to eight
instructions can be running in parallel. However, this is not a true
parallel method, but perform pipelining in different time-slot within a
single clock cycle.
Instead, the true parallel processing can only be implemented with
different sets of hardware module. So, FPGA should be the only solution to
implement a true parallel processing architecture. For the case of SDR that
is mentioned, it is just a an example to show the limitation of data
processing in the structure of resource sharing. Meanwhile, when we
consider to implement an encryption module, it is the same case as what
data processing do. The method of parallel processing is extremely worth to
enhance the time of key cracking process. Besides, it is significant to
know that the implementation of encryption module in FPGA is
hardware-driven. It is totally free from the limitation of any hardcore
processor structure that is using a single instruction pointer (or program
counter) to performing push and pop operations interactively over the stack
memory. So, both of the mentioned advantages: true-parallel processing, and
hardware-driven, are nicely clarified the uniqueness of FPGA's architecture
for advanced applications.
more and more interesting issues can come into the discussion.
For hacking purpose, we focus and stick to the discussion of utilizing
the ability of hardware re-programmable in a FPGA-based "hacking machine".
We ignore the ability of "software re-programmable" here because it can be
done by any of the hardcore processor in the lowest cost. By applying the
characterictic of hardware re-programmable, a segment of space in flash
memory is reserved for hardware image. In Nios, it is started from
0x600000. This segment is available to be updated from remote through the
network interface. In advanced mobile communication, this type of feature
is started to be used for hardware bug-fix as well as module update [16]
purpose. It is usually known as Over-The-Air (OTA) technology. For hacking
purpose, the characteristic of hardware re-programmable had made our
"hacking machine" to be general purpose. It can come with a hardware-driven
DES cracker, and easily be changed to MD5 cracker or any other types of
hardware-driven module. Besides, it can also be changed from an online
cracker to be a proxy, in a second of time.
So, it is the time to start the discussion of black magic with the
characteristic of hardware re-programmable in further detail. By using
Nios-core, we explore from two points: custom instruction and user
peripheral. A custom instruction is hardware-driven and implemented by
custom logic as shown below:
| |Custom Logic|-|
| |-->|------------| |
| | |
| | |----------------||
A ---->| |-|
| | Nios-ALU | |----> OUT
B ---->| |-|
By defining a custom logic that is parallel connected with Nios-ALU inputs,
a new custom instruction is successfully created. With SOPC Builder, custom
logic can be easily add-on and take-out from Nios-ALU, and so is the case
of custom instruction. Now, we create a new custom instruction, let say
nm_fpmult(). We apply the following codes:
result_fast = nm_fpmult(a, b); //Takes 19 clock cycles
as custom instruction is so fast that is even faster than a DSP chip.
For cracking purpose, custom instructions set can be build up in respective
to the frequency of operations being used. The instructions set is easily
to be plugged and unplugged for different types of encryption being
re-programmable. As we know Nios-core is a soft processor, so a bus
specification is needed for the communication of soft processor with other
peripherals, such as RAM, ROM, UART, and timer. Nios-core is using a
proprietary bus specification, known as Avalon-bus for
peripheral-to-peripheral and Nios-core-to-peripheral communication purpose.
So, user peripherals such as IDE and USB modules are usually be designed to
expand the usability of embedded system. For hacking purpose, we ignore the
IDE and USB peripherals because we are more interested to design user
peripheral for custom communication channel synchronization. When we
consider to hack a customize system such as building automation, public
addressing, evacuation, security, and so on, the main obstacle is its
proprietary communication protocol [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22].
synchronize into the communication channel of a customize system.
For example, a system that is running at 50Mbps, neither a 10Based-T
nor 100Based-T network interface card can communicate with any module
within the system. However, by knowing the technical specification of such
system, a custom communication peripheral can be created in FPGA. So, it is
able to synchronize our "hacking machine" into the communication channel of
the customize system. By going through the Avalon-bus, Nios-core is
available to manipulate the data-flow of the customize system. So, the
custom communication peripheral is going to be the customize media gateway
of our "hacking machine". The theoretical basis of custom communication
peripheral is come from the mechanism of clock data recovery (CDR). CDR is
a method to ensure the data regeneration is done with a decision circuit
that samples the data signal at the optimal instant indicated by a clock.
The clock must be synchronized as exactly the same frequency as the data
rate, and be aligned in phase with respect to the data. The production of
such a clock at the receiver is the goal of CDR. In general, the task of
CDR is divided into two: frequency acquisition and timing alignment.
Frequency acquisition is the process that locks the receiver clock
frequency to the transmitted data frequency. Timing alignment is the phase
alignment of the clock so the decision circuit samples the data at the
optimal instant. Sometime, it is also named as bit synchronization or phase
locking. Most timing alignment circuits can perform a limited degree of
frequency acquisition, but additional acquisition aids may be needed. Data
oversampling method is being used to create the CDR for our "hacking
machine". By using the method of data oversampling, frequency acquisition
is no longer be put into the design consideration. By ensuring the sampling
frequency is always N times over than data rate, the CDR is able to work as
normal. To synchronize multiple of customize systems, a frequency synthesis
unit such as PLL is recommended to be used to make sure the sampling
frequency is always N times over than data rate. A framework of CDR
based-on the data oversampling method with N=4 is shown as following in
data rate (12MHz).
input data_in;
input mclk;
input rst;
output data_buf;
//asynchronous edge detector
if (rst == 0)
capture_buf <= 0;
capture_buf <= data_in;
//edge detection module
if (reset == 0)
mclk_divd <= 2'b00;
mclk_divd <= mclk_divd + 1;
always @ (posedge mclk_divd[1] or negedge rst)
if (rst == 0)
data_buf <= 0;
data_buf <= {data_buf[14:0],capture_buf};
Nios-core through the Avalon-Bus for further processing and interaction.
The framework of CDR is plenty worth for channel synchronization in various
types of custom communication channels. Jean P. Nicolle had shown another
type of CDR for 10Base-T bit synchronization [23]. As someone might query
for the most common approach of performing CDR channel synchronization in
Phase-Locked Loop (PLL). Yes, this is a type of well known analog approach,
by we are more interested to the digital approach, with the reason of
hardware re-programmable - our black magic of FPGA. For those who
interested to know more advantages of digital CDR approach over the analog
CDR approach can refer to [24]. Anyway, the analog CDR approach is the only
option for a hardcore-based (Scenix, Rabbit, SC12 ,...) "hacking machine"
design, and it is sufferred to:
The PLL lock-time to preamble length, charge-pump circuit design,
Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), are very critical points.
2. Fixed-structure design. Any changes of "hacking application" need
to re-design the circuit itself, and it is quite cumbersome.
As a result, by getting a detail technical specification of a
customized system, the possibility to hack into the system has always
existed, especially to launch the Denial of Service attack. By disabling
an evacuation system, or a fire alarm system at emergency, it is a very
serious problem than ever. Try to imagine, when different types of CDRs
are implemented in a single FPGA, and it is able to perform automatic
switching to select a right CDR for channel synchronization. On the other
hand, any custom defined module is able to plug into the system itself
and freely communicate through Avalon-bus. Besides, the generated hardware
image is able to be downloaded into flash memory through tftp. By following
with a soft-reset to re-configure the FPGA, the "hacking machine" is
successfully updated. So, it is ready to hack multiple of custom systems at
the same time.
According to The OPC Foundation, OPC technology can eliminate
expensive custom interfaces and drivers tranditionally required
for moving information easily around the enterprise. It promotes
interoperability, including amongst different computing solutions
and platforms both horizontally and vertically in the emterprise [25].
how to utilize the advantages of embedded system for hacking purpose.
Then, what else of magic that we can do with embedded system? This is a
good question.
and pervasive computing would be the latest issues. Embedded system would
probably to be the future framework as embedded firewall, ubiquitous
gateway/router, embedded IDS, mobile device security server, and so on.
While existing systems are looking for network-enabled, embedded system
had established its unique position for such purpose. A good example is
migrating MySQL into embedded linux to provide online database-on-chip
service (in FPGA) for a building access system with RFID tags. Again,
the usage and development of embedded system has no limitation, the only
limitation is the imagination.
to provide services such as web control, web monitoring,...
**If an embedded system works as a client (http, ftp, telnet, ..), then
it is more likely to be a programmable "hacking machine"
--[ 8. - Conclusion
expect every processing unit in the world as a personal computer. While
we are begining to exploit the usefullness of embedded system, we need
to consider all the cases properly, where we should use it and where we
shouldn't use it. Embedded security might be too new to discuss seriously
now but it always exist, and sometime naive. Besides, the abuse of embedded
system would cause more mysterious cases in the hacking world.
--=[ References
(Version 1.2) - July 2003
July 2003
July 2003
Second-Order, Closed-Loop Servo Control
Circuit Cellar, #167, June 2004
[11] Designing With The Nios (Part 2) -
System Enhancement
Circuit Cellar, #168, July 2004
[12] Nios Tutorial (Version 1.1)
February 2004
[13] Microtronix Embedded Linux Development -
Getting Started Guide: Document Revision 1.2
[14] Stratix EP1S10 Device: Pin Information
February 2004
IEEE Communications Magazine, May 2004.
[17] TOA - VX-2000 (Digital Matrix System)
[18] Klotz Digital - Vadis (Audio Matrix), VariZone (Complex Digital
PA System For Emergency Evacuation Applications)
[19] Peavey - MediaMatrix System
[20] Optimus - Optimus (Audio & Communication), Improve
(Distributed Audio)
[21] Simplex - TrueAlarm (Fire Alarm Systems)
[22] Tyco - Fire Detection and Alarm, Integrated Security Systems,
Health Care Communication Systems
[23] 10Base-T FPGA Interface - Ethernet Packets: Sending and Receiving
[24] Ethernet Receiver
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