2005년 8월 22일 월요일

Programmable Logic DesignLine

미국의 유명한 출판업체중 하나인 CMP Media LLC.에서 새로운 웹사이트를 하나 Launching했다... FPGA / CPLD와 관련된 전용의 웹진인데, 제목은 "Programmable Logic DesignLine"이라고 기존 EE Product Center의 PLDs-FPGAs 페이지 (http://www.eeproductcenter.com/pld-fpga/)만으로 모든걸 다 다루기에는 역부족이라고 느끼고 이번에 새롭게 기획된것 같다는...?!

Source URL: http://www.pldesignline.com/

What's In The Programmable Logic DesignLine

Where can you find real solutionsto tough programable logic design challenges? The Programmable Logic DesignLine is the place. This site provides the practical how-to information needed to program, develop, and implement field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and programmable logic devices (PLDs) in wireless, networking, industrial, automotive, and other design applications.

  • Cover the latest news and trends globally, so staying up to date is a cakewalk.
  • Provide essential how-to and reference data for the technologies you require most to get your job done.
  • Comprehensive analysis on electronics industry trends, along with links to important Web sources.
Programmable Logic DesignLine connects you to critical programmable logic knowledge no matter who created it - us, a vendor, or even our competitors. If you need it, you'll find it here.

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