2009년 1월 17일 토요일

[FLEXlm] How to make "eth1" show up as "eth0" on the Linux..

Here's what I would recommend to satisfy FLEXlm: switch eth1 and eth0 in the Linux configuration.
It may be necessary to discuss this change with your IT department as it requires root permissions; however is only a configuration change that does not alter the hardware or installed OS.
Steps to do this:
  1. edit modprobe.conf and swap "eth0" and "eth1" references.
    For example, the lines:
        alias eth0 r8169
        alias eth1 8139too
        alias eth1 r8169
        alias eth0 8139too
  2. cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
  3. mv -f ifcfg-eth1 ifcfg-eth0
  4. Edit ifcfg-eth0 and change "eth1" to "eth0".
    For example, the line:
  5. Reboot.
  6. Log in and run "lmutil hostid".  It should return a FLEXlm host id.
> -----Original Message-----

> <snip>
> Flexlm appears to be incapable of using the mac address for eth1;
> however, it may be possible to make "eth1" show up as "eth0" to allow
> flexlm to work properly.
> The attached file "ifconfig.log" appears to only show active interfaces.
> Please send the output of "ifconfig -a" which shows all interfaces.
> Also, please include the following files if they exist:
> /etc/modprobe.conf
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
> <snip>

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Good information!!