인텔이 아톰 넷북 및 MID 기기에 최적화된 리눅스 OS를 만들기 위해 모블린 프로젝트를 진행하고 있는 가운데, 마침내 모블린 2 알파 버전이 공개됐다고 합니다. 리눅스와 각종 오픈소스로 구성된 운영체제입니다.
공식 자료 / 모블린 v2 코어 알파 공개 http://moblin.org/community/blogs/tshureih/2009/announcing-moblin-v2-core-alpha-release 물론 SW 설치도 안 되고 알파 버전이라 제한이 많지만 해외에선 부팅이 엄청나게 빠르다는 얘길 하고 있네요. 패스트부트 기능이 있다고 합니다. The actual installed version of Moblin also boots amazingly fast -- mere seconds to get to a desktop. Firefox is included, although the included network drivers seem to be a bit flaky; I was only able to get online from a hardwired connection. 모블린 ISO 이미지 내려받기 http://moblin.org/documentation/getting-started-guides/test-drive-moblin 특징 The core Linux O/S, boot process, inter-process, and package interactions. The new "Fastboot" feature of Moblin, which fundamentally improves boot time and allows for unprecedented speed for a general purpose Linux. Connectivity and networking, using the new ConnMan connectivity manager. Kernel 2.6.29-rc2. The Moblin Core Components (first look at this), including Clutter and all other UI development tools. Xserver 1.6 (with DRI2). New Moblin Image Creator (MIC2) and installation tool.
각종 포스팅 정보들 http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2009/01/take_the_moblin.html http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2009/01/intel_shows_off_moblin_their_own_netbookoptimized_linux_os-2.html http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/01/intel-releases-linux-based-moblin-2-alpha-for-netbooks.ars http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/01/30/moblin2_alpha1_release/ http://www.engadget.com/2009/01/30/alpha-version-of-intels-moblin-os-released-for-brave-netbookers/ http://www.tomshardware.com/news/intel-moblin-netbooks-atom-linux,6925.html http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2009/01/intel-bets-on-m.html |
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